Video Games

Video Games For Checkout

Video Games

Drop by any location or visit our online catalog to explore our collection of popular video games for PlayStation, Nintendo Switch, and Xbox X.

Browse Titles

Single Button Module

Nintendo Switch

Single Button Module

PlayStation 4

Single Button Module

PlayStation 5

Single Button Module


Video Game FAQ

  • We have a very small collection of video games to start with. The game cartridges will be held behind the circulation desk. Please bring the case of the game you would like to borrow to the circulation desk and our team will place the game in the case before checkout.

  • You may checkout 1 game at a time for 1 week. At the moment, the video games are not holdable or renewable. 

    As we grow the video game collection, these parameters may change.

  • You can find what games are offered by looking under Games & Software in the lefthand menu of our catalog. Here's a list of all games currently in the collection.

  • All patrons with a Standard or Limited card type may checkout a video game.

Gaming Stations

Middle and high schoolers can now drop by select branches to play Nintendo Switch during open hours, opens a new window! Gaming stations feature 50-inch LED screens and rocking gaming chairs in the teen areas.

Gaming Stations are available at the following branches:

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