Mission (Our purpose and why we exist)
We empower our community by bringing people together to discover, connect, create, learn, and thrive.

Vision (Aspirations we have for our library)
We are radically welcoming: a trusted community hub where all people can find joy, compassion, and inspiration.

Values (What we believe in)

Community Insights Lead to Strategic Priorities
With these insights in mind, the Strategic Planning Team developed a set of five strategic priorities for the library.
Equity and Access
We are committed to racial equity and social justice. It guides our work in serving Tacoma’s diverse communities, especially the most vulnerable and underserved.
Learning, Creativity, and Innovation
We will be the place for learning, discovery, and innovation.
Investment in Youth
We believe that youth are the future and we will prioritize services, programs, and partnerships that nurture and develop young minds.
Cultivate and Engage Community
We will be the center for connecting people, ideas, and places.
Responsible and Resilient
We will be an integral partner in a sustainable network that supports a thriving Tacoma.