Storytime Rhymes & Songs
Continue the storytime, opens a new window fun at home! On this page, you’ll find handouts that have been made to accompany storytimes. You’ll find songs, fingerplays, booklists, and more!
Alphabet Storytime Rhymes & Songs
The Letter 'A', opens a new window
The Letter 'B', opens a new window
The Letter 'C', opens a new window
The Letter 'D', opens a new window
The Letter 'E', opens a new window
The Letter 'F', opens a new window
The Letter 'G', opens a new window
The Letter 'H', opens a new window
The Letter 'I', opens a new window
The Letter 'J', opens a new window
The Letter 'K', opens a new window
The Letter 'N', opens a new window
The Letter 'O', opens a new window
The Letter 'P', opens a new window
The Letter 'Q', opens a new window
The Letter 'R', opens a new window
The Letter 'S', opens a new window
The Letter 'U', opens a new window
The Letter 'V', opens a new window
The Letter 'W', opens a new window
The Letter 'X', opens a new window
Themed Storytime Rhymes & Songs
All Together Now, opens a new window
April Fool's Day, opens a new window
Asia Pacific Cultural Center Storytime, opens a new window
Baby Favorites, opens a new window
Bicycle Fun, opens a new window
Bilingual Storytime with Centro Latino, opens a new window
Buttons and Glam, opens a new window
Calming Breaths, opens a new window
Canciones Favoritas en Español, opens a new window
Classic Rhymes and Songs, opens a new window
Clothes and Shoes, opens a new window
Crocodiles and Alligators, opens a new window
Cute and Fuzzy, opens a new window
Dinos, Unicorns, and Frogs, opens a new window
Fall Favorites, opens a new window
Favorite Rhymes and Songs, opens a new window
Feelings and Emotions, opens a new window
Freedom to Read 2023, opens a new window
Fun with Colors, opens a new window
Get Up, Move, and Groove, opens a new window
Hamsters and Rhymes, opens a new window
Happy New Year, opens a new window
Hibernation, opens a new window
Hibernation 2, opens a new window
Light and Shadow, opens a new window
Loud and Quiet, opens a new window
Mooncakes and Rabbits, opens a new window
Planting Seeds, opens a new window
Pride Storytime with Rainbow Center, opens a new window
Rainbow Pride Storytime, opens a new window
Rainbow Pride Storytime 2, opens a new window
Silly Stories with Bears and Worms, opens a new window
Storytime Rhymes and Songs, opens a new window
Tacoma Reads 2023, opens a new window