Pause Holds feature now available

Still reading your way through all the items you have checked out? Leaving on vacation soon? Did all of your holds come through at once? 

Tacoma Public Library patrons are now able to “Pause” their holds on physical items in our online catalog. 

What can you do with the Pause function? 

Pausing a hold allows you to keep your place in line for an item until you're ready for it.   

You can Pause a hold that you aren’t ready for and let the next person in the holds queue get the item. When you are ready to un-Pause your hold, do so in the catalog and you’ll be next in line for the item. 

How do you Pause holds? 

To pause a hold, first log into your account, then select "On Hold" in the drop-down menu in the upper right corner.  

Find the hold you want to pause and click the "Pause" button below it. If your hold was able to be paused, you will get the message "Successfully Paused Hold(s)."   

If you'd like to pause more than one hold, you can select the check boxes next to the holds you'd like to pause then use the Manage Items popup at the bottom of the page to pause the holds.   

Follow the same steps and click "resume" on any paused holds you no longer wish to keep paused. 

What holds can't be paused?   

There will be occasions when a Hold cannot be paused. For example, holds can't be paused on items that have an available copy when you place the hold, items that are already on the hold shelf, or items that are in transit or just arrived at your pickup location. 

More info can be found on in our Catalog Help page on Pausing Holds.