A message from the Board of Trustees on the Library Director transition

Last month, we shared that the hiring process for a new Director for Tacoma Public Library was underway due to Director Kate Larsen’s planned departure. On Thursday, Aug. 1, we hosted a moderated public forum with our lead candidate, TPL’s current Deputy Director Amita Lonial. Library staff, community partners, and members of the public were able to ask Ms. Lonial questions and understand her vision for the future of Tacoma Public Library.

Now, the search process is nearly complete. Last week, Lonial accepted the position, and we expect to be making her appointment official at our next regular Board meeting, which starts at 5:30 p.m. on Wednesday, September 18, at the Wheelock library.

We are excited to share more about Ms. Lonial after her appointment is official. We look forward to working with her to continue the work of TPL’s strategic priorities advanced under Kate Larsen’s leadership. 


About the Board of Trustees:

The Tacoma Public Library Board is a volunteer board of five community members who are nominated by the Mayor and appointed by a majority vote of the City Council. They convene once a month, and the membership term is five years. The Library Board has fiduciary and policymaking authority, and it appoints a library director to oversee day to day operations.