By Spencer Bowman, Northwest Room Librarian This is the second installment in our series showcasing the newly digitized moving images recently added to the Northwest Room's online database, ORCA. The digitization of these videos was made possible by the generous support of the City of Tacoma through a City of Tacoma Heritage Grant. To read part one…
Showcasing the History of the Tacoma Dome and Tacoma News Tribune Photo project at the T-Town Tacoma Dome Event
At the T-Dome Expo, the Northwest Room showcased Tacoma Dome history, and digitized Tacoma News Tribune Photos.
Video Gaming at Your Library!
Middle and high schoolers can now drop by the South Tacoma Branch to play Nintendo Switch during open hours!
LibraryReads November 2024
Nothing says “must read” quite like a Librarian’s stamp of approval! Every month releases the top picks for the month, as voted on by Librarians across the country. Check out the LibraryReads picks for November 2024: Lost and Lassoed The Songbird & the Heart of Stone Eleanore of Avignon The Co-op The Lake of Lost Girls…
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