In July of 1943, Al Riviere and Frank Bujan appear to be lighting after-meal cigarettes at the Seattle-Tacoma shipyard, ignoring the giant warning painted on the building behind them. Despite appearances, the two Seattle-Tacoma Shipbuilding Corp. employees were not trying to burn down the plant, they were actually posing for a series of photographs demonstrating…
Tacoma Speedway, 1920
This is speed king Jimmy Murphy (left) with his mechanic, Ernie Olson, on the board track of the Tacoma Speedway circa the summer of 1920. Although Murphy was a newcomer to the Pacific Northwest, he had already started to establish himself as a rising star in the world of auto racing. The 1920 Tacoma race…
Escaped Grizzly Bear, 1937
In July 1937, volunteers Howard Bjorklund and "Happy" Logue, with high-powered rifles, tracked a missing grizzly bear through ferns and underbrush in the woods by Point Defiance Park. The two-year-old, 600 pound bear arrived in Tacoma from Yellowstone National Park on July 5th. It had apparently escaped from its cage at the zoo early Tuesday…
Have You Explored BookFlix?
BookFlix are popular, interactive children’s video books paired with nonfiction video books. You can select to read the book aloud, or let BookFlix read to your child. In addition to enjoying the books you can take quizzes, learn about the author, and explore more with specially selected websites. Kids can enjoy these stories from a…
Agenda for the Board of Trustees July 13, 2016 Meeting
The monthly meeting of the Library Board of Trustees will take place on July 20, 2016 at 5:30 PM at the Main Branch in the Board Room on the 3rd floor. Please see 2016-07-13-Library-Board-of-Trustees-Agenda…
House Afire, Fourth of July 1950
In July 1950, a house is carefully lowered by crane onto a barge at the Port of Tacoma and towed to Commencement Bay. As the sign on the old wood framed house proclaims, it is to be set afire on the evening of the Fourth of July as part of the Tacoma Athletic Commission's Big…
Aesop and his fabulous fables
Aesop, a slave in Ancient Greece, has been credited with a number of fables which have been passed down through history in cultures around the world. The tales, which include a moral, or teaching point, have survived more than 2,000 years. Tacoma Public Library has several versions of Aesop’s Fables for your enjoyment. Here’s our…
My Little Pony Party
The My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic television show has a loyal following, and on Saturday, June 25, 2016, over 70 costumed kids, teens, and adults gathered to celebrate their favorite fandom at the Main Branch of Tacoma Public Library. Together they sang songs about Equestria, danced among bubbles and balloons, ate cake, and enjoyed…
How Does Your Garden Grow Small Space Gardening and Edible Landscaping
Join us Saturday, July 16 from 2:00 PM to 3:00 PM at Fern Hill Branch for the fourth installment of our How Does Your Garden Grow? series. Find out how to grow what you eat. Whether you have no yard or are tired of mowing the grass, make the most of your space. Imagine fruit…
Read to Your Baby
It's never too early to read to your baby! Author Mem Fox suggests that parents read aloud to their children for 10 minutes a day, starting from birth. Additional early literacy research suggests that children need to hear at least 1,000 books before they are ready to learn to read. Start now! Check out our Bouncing…
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